1. 2002年7月于莱阳农学院(青岛农大)农学专业本科毕业
2. 2005年7月于学校生态学硕士毕业
3. 2008年7月于中山大学环境工程博士毕业
1. 2015/1-至今,学校,ok138cn太阳集团生态学系,副教授;
2. 2010/1-2014/12,学校,农学院生态学系,讲师
3. 2009/1-2009/11,农业部科教司借调
4. 2008/7-2009/12,学校,农学院生态学系,讲师
1. 2022年,广东省农业技术推广奖,二等奖(排名9)
2. 2021年,全国高校教师教学创新大赛,优秀奖(4/4)
3. 2021年,中国商业联合会科学技术奖,三等奖(5/15)
4. 2018年,第八届广东省教育教学成果奖,二等奖(3/5)
5. 2017年,中国检验检疫学会科技奖,二等奖(6/10)
6. 2016年,广州市科技进步奖,二等奖(3/16)
7. 2016年,广东省科学技术奖,三等奖(2/7)
8. 2015年,广东省农业技术推广奖,一等奖(2/17)
9. 2014年,第七届广东省教育教学成果奖,二等奖(5/5)
10. 2010年,广东省农业技术推广奖,二等奖(4/13)
1. BL Zhao, XY Yang, C Li, MY Zhang, XP Cao, XJ Ruan, HS Li, RL Qiu. Optimized production of invasive animal biochar for arsenic immobilization and methane oxidation in contaminated soils using response surface methodology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 141777(一区top,IF=11.1)
2. YM Wang, XC Xie, HJ Chen, K Zhang, B L Zhao*, R Qiu. Selenium-induced enhancement in growth and rhizosphere soil methane oxidation of prickly pear. Plants, 2024, 13, 749.(二区,IF=4.5).
3. JL Liu, Z Chen, Y Li, D Chen, Y He, BL Zhao*, Y Liao, J Guo. Potential detritivorous diet of the invasive apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck, 1822) in mangroves: the relationship between feeding indicators and chemical characteristics of decaying leaf litter. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11, 672.(三区,IF=2.9)
4. JL Liu, BL Zhao*, Y H Li, XY Deng, Y Qiao, JT Xu, S Q Xu. Palatability of mangrove leaves to invasive apple snails: the relation between feeding electivity and multiple plant characteristics. Aquatic Invasions, 2022, 17, 277-299.(二区,IF=1.6)
5. B L Zhao, MZ Luo, JE Zhang, YL Liu, ZX Deng, X Gong. Genetic diversity of two globally invasive snails in Asia and Americas in relation with agricultural habitats and climate factors. Diversity, 2022, 14, 1069.(三区,IF=2.4)
6. YL Liu, C Li, BL Zhao*, JE Zhang, R L Qiu. Inoculation of prickly pear litter with microbial agents promotes the efficiency in aerobic composting. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 4824.(三区,IF=3.9)
7. BL Zhao, T Wen, JE Zhang, W Tang, M Wang. Duck trampling in rice–duck farming alters rice growth and soil CH4 emissions. Intl. J. Agric. Biol., 2019, 21: 345-350. (SCI)
8. BL Zhao, LL Teng, JE Zhang, HM Xiang, MJ Li, KM Liang. Thigmotropic responses of Oryza sativa L. to external rubbing stimulation. Archives of Biological Sciences, 2018, 70(1):129-139. (SCI)
9. BL Zhao, JE Zhang*, WB Yan, XW Kang, CG Cheng, Y Ouyang. Removal of cadmium from aqueous solution using waste shells of golden apple snail. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57(50):23987-24003. (SCI)
10. BL Zhao, L Fang, JE Zhang*, M An, R L Wang, MZ Luo, KM Liang. Effects of five exotic invasive plants extracts on the survival of the invasive snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck). Allelopathy Journal, 2015, 36 (1): 123-132. (SCI)
11. BL Zhao, JE Zhang*, HZ Li, HQ Xu, GM Quan, M An. Effect of Lolium multiflorum Lam as a substitute feedstuff for ducks in a rice-duck farming system. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 2015, 39:727-746. (SCI)
1. 赵本良,魏文欣,杨新燕,等. 一种福寿螺耦合生物炭的制备方法及其应用,2024,中国,发明专利,2024103694643
2. 赵本良,谢学冲,王晓珍,等. 一种用于刺梨促生、富硒和低碳种植的配方组合物及其应用,2024,2024102503634
3. 赵本良,刘金苓,杨新燕,等. 蜡烛果提取物在控螺和或降低土壤甲烷排放中的应用,2023,202310249177.4
4. 赵本良,刘怡良,林庆祺,等. 一种利用刺梨凋落物生产刺梨富硒肥的方法及装置,2022,ZL2022103973040
5. 赵本良,刘怡良,陈蕙洁,等. 一种生产富硒堆肥的装置,2022,ZL2022208857681
6. 赵本良,温婷,章家恩,等. 一种利用机械振动刺激调控水稻生长的装置,2019,ZL201820803928.7
7. 赵本良,温婷,章家恩,等,一种利用机械触碰作用调控水稻生长发育的装置,2019.06.18,ZL201920927634.X
8. 赵本良,温婷,章家恩,等. 一种扰动稻田土壤减少水稻释放甲烷的装置和方法,2018,ZL201810524106.X
9. 赵本良,章家恩,李凯迪,等. 一种连续测定土壤、植物甲烷氧化速率的装置,2016,ZL201620338103.3
1. 参编,生态学专业五位一体建设研究与实践(第二、五章),暨南大学出版社,2018
2. 参编,Agroecology in China(chapter 5),CRC Press,Taylor & Francis Group,2016
3. 参编,生态学野外综合实习指导(第十一章),中国环境科学出版社,2012
4. 参编,普通生态学实验指导(实验九、三十四、四十一),中国环境科学出版社,2012