2008-2012 丹麦奥胡斯大学 农业生态学博士
2006-2008 浙江大学 植物病理学硕士
2002-2006 江西农业大学 植物保护 学士
2013-至今 学校 ok138cn太阳集团 助理研究员
1.环青海湖四种生境土壤中原核微生物群落结构及分子网络特征.生态环境学报,2021. (通讯作者)
2.减量施氮对甘蔗//大豆间作系统产量稳定性的影响.热带作物学报,2020. (共同通讯)
4.Yu L, Luo SS, et al. 2021. Structure of rhizospheric microbial community and N cycling functional gene shifts with reduced N input in sugarcane-soybean intercropping in South China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 314: 107413
5.HL Zeng, L Yu, et al. 2021. Nitrogen fertilization has a stronger influence than cropping pattern on AMF community in maize/soybean strip intercropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology 167: 104034 (二作)
6.Yu L, Luo SS, et al. 2020. The soil carbon cycle determined by GeoChip 5.0 in sugarcane and soybean intercropping systems with reduced nitrogen input in South China. Applied Soil Ecology 155: 103653
7.Yu L, Tang YL, et al. 2018. Nitrogen-cycling genes and rhizosphere microbial community with reduced nitrogen application
in maize/soybean strip intercropping. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 113: 35-49
8.Luo S, Yu L, et al. 2016. Effects of reduced nitrogen input on soil stability and N2O emissions in sugarcane and soybean intercropping systems during seven years. European Journal Agronomy 81: 78-85 (共同一作)
9.Yu L, Nicolaisen L, Larsen J, Ravnskov S. 2013. Organic fertilization alters the community composition of root fungi in Pisum sativum. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 58: 36-41
10.Yu L, Nicolaisen L, Larsen J, Ravnskov S. 2012. Molecular characterization of root-associated fungal communities in relation to health status of Pisum sativum using barcode pyrosequencing. Plant and Soil 357: 395-405
11.Yu L, Nicolaisen L, Larsen J, Ravnskov S. 2012. Succession of root-associated fungi in Pisum sativum during a plant growth cycle as examined by 454 pyrosequencing. Plant and Soil 358: 225-233