

性别:男 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 Email:weihui@scau.edu.cn 办公电话:无 办公地址:农学楼409室


2011年11月至2013年4月: 比利时安特卫普大学生物系,生态学专业;




Geoderma编委(2019-2022);F1000 Associate Faculty Member (2013-2016);Global Change Biology、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Plant and Soil等期刊审稿专家






(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:华南典型土壤对酸雨的突变响应阈值及缓冲机理解析,2021/01 – 2024/12,主持,在研。
(2)广东省自然科学基金面上项目:土壤酸缓冲过程中的微生物调节作用效应与机理,2021/01 – 2023/12,主持,在研。
(3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,森林土壤有机碳稳定性对外源氮输入的响应:有机-矿质-微生物交互作用,2016/01 – 2018/12,主持,已结题。
(4)广东省科技计划项目公益研究与能力建设专项,氮沉降对森林土壤碳循环的影响及其微生物调节机制,2015/07 – 2018/07,主持,已结题。
(5)广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,南亚热带常绿阔叶林土壤有机碳组分对降水格局变化的响应机制,2015/01 – 2018/01,主持,已结题。


(1)Xiaomei Chen, Muying Liu, Zhanying Xu, Hui Wei*. Influences of temperature and moisture on abiotic and biotic soil CO2 emission from a subtropical forest. Carbon Balance and Management, 2021, 16: 18.
(2)Hui Wei, Yalan Liu, Jiaen Zhang, Saifei Li, Xiaolan Zhong, Huimin Xiang. Leaching of simulated acid rain deteriorates soil physiochemical and mechanical properties in three agricultural soils. Catena, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105485
(3)Ziqiang Liu, Hui Wei*, Jiaen Zhang*, Muhammad Saleem, Yanan He, Jiawen Zhong, Rui Ma. Higher Sensitivity of Microbial Network than Community Structure under Acid Rain. Microorganisms, 2021, 9, 118.
(4)Hui Wei*, Xiaomei Chen, Mimi Kong, Jinhong He, Weijun Shen. Three-year-period nitrogen additions did not alter soil organic carbon content and lability in soil aggregates in a tropical forest. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-13466-9.
(5)Hui Wei, Rui Ma, Jiaen Zhang, Muhammad Saleem, Ziqiang Liu, Xiaoran Shan, Jiayue Yang, Huimin Xiang. Crop-litter type determines the structure and function of litter-decomposing microbial communities under acid rain conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136600.
(6)Hui Wei, Rui Ma, Jiaen Zhang, Leyi Zhou, Ziqiang Liu, Zhenyi Fan, Jiayue Yang, Xiaoran Shan, Huimin Xiang. Quality dependence of litter decomposition and its carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus release under simulated acid rain treatments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 19858-19868.
(7)Hui Wei, Yalan Liu, Huimin Xiang, Jiaen Zhang, Saifei Li, Jiayue Yang. Soil pH responses to simulated acid rain leaching in three agricultural soils. Sustainability, 2020, 12: 280.
(8)Hui Wei, Xiaomei Chen, Jinhong He, Letong Huang, Weijun Shen. Warming but not nitrogen addition alters the linear relationship between microbial respiration and biomass. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 1055.
(9)Hui Wei, Wenjuan Bai, Jiaen Zhang, Rui Chen, Huimin Xiang, Guoming Quan. Integrated rice-duck farming decreases soil seed bank and weed density in a paddy field. Agronomy, 2019, 9: 259.
(10)Hui Wei, Mingyu Huang, Guoming Quan, Jiaen Zhang, Ziqiang Liu, Rui Ma. Turn bane into a boon: Application of invasive plant species to remedy soil cadmium contamination. Chemosphere, 2018, 210: 1013-1020.
(11)Hui Wei#, Kun Zhang#, Jiaen Zhang, Dengfeng Li, Yuan Zhang, Huimin Xiang. Grass cultivation alters soil organic carbon fractions in a subtropical orchard of southern China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2018, 181: 110-116.
(12)Xiaomei Chen, Qi Deng, Guojun Lin, Meizhen Lin, Hui Wei*. Changing rainfall frequency affects soil organic carbon concentrations by altering non-labile soil organic carbon concentrations in a tropical monsoon forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 762-769.
(13)Hui Wei, Jialin Xu, Guoming Quan, Jiaen Zhang*, Zhong Qin. Invasion of Praxelis clematidea increases the chemically non-labile rather than labile soil organic carbon in a tropical savanna. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2018, 64: 1-7.
(14)Hui Wei#, Xiaomei Chen#, Jinhong He, Jiaen Zhang, Weijun Shen*. Exogenous nitrogen addition reduced the temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration without altering the microbial community composition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 2382.
(15)Hui Wei, Wenbin Yan, Guoming Quan, Jiaen Zhang*, Kaiming Liang. Soil microbial carbon utilization, enzyme activities and nutrient availability responses to Bidens pilosa and a non-invasive congener under different irradiances. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 11309.
(16)Hui Wei, Jialin Xu, Guoming Quan, Jiaen Zhang*, Zhong Qin. Invasion effects of Chromolaena odorata on soil carbon and nitrogen fractions in a tropical savanna. Ecosphere, 2017, 8(5): e01831.
(17)Hui Wei#, Yangzhou Xiang#*, Ying Liu, Jiaen Zhang. Effects of sod cultivation on soil nutrients in orchards across China: A meta-analysis. Soil & Tillage Research, 2017, 169: 16-24.
(18)Hui Wei, Wen Liu, Jiaen Zhang*, Zhong Qin. Effects of simulated acid rain on soil fauna community composition and their ecological niches. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 220: 460-468.
(19)Hui Wei, Jialin Xu, Guoming Quan, Jiaen Zhang*, Zhong Qin. Effects of Praxelis clematidea invasion on soil nitrogen fractions and transformation rates in a tropical savanna. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 3654-3663.
(20)Hui Wei#, Xiaomei Chen#, Guoliang Xiao, Bertrand Guenet, Sara Vicca, Weijun Shen*. Are variations in heterotrophic soil respiration related to changes in substrate availability and microbial biomass carbon in the subtropical forests? Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 18370.
(21)Hui Wei#, Guoliang Xiao#, Bertrand Guenet, Ivan A. Janssens, Weijun Shen*. Soil microbial community structure does not predominantly determine the variance of heterotrophic soil respiration across four subtropical forests. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 7854.
(22)Hui Wei, Bertrand Guenet, Sara Vicca, Naoise Nunan, Han Asard, Hamada AbdElgawad, Weijun Shen*, Ivan A. Janssens. High clay content accelerates the decomposition of fresh organic matter in artificial soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2014, 77: 100-108.
(23)Hui Wei, Bertrand Guenet, Sara Vicca, Naoise Nunan, Han Asard, Hamada AbdElgawad, Valerie Pouteau, Weijun Shen*, Ivan A. Janssens. Thermal acclimation of organic matter decomposition in an artificial forest soil is related to shifts in microbial community structure. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2014, 71: 1-12.
(24)熊月, 刘自强, 赵飞, 危晖*. 朴门永续设计对中国城市生态农业的启示. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 44(7): 37-45.
(25)李登峰, 章家恩*, 刘自强, 王迟, 袁艾, 危晖*. 模拟氮沉降对南亚热带森林凋落物碳氮组分的影响. 学校学报, 2018, 39(6): 70-76.
(26)危晖, 卓慕宁*, 李定强, 申卫军. 广州城市路面径流COD污染特征分析. 安全与环境学报, 2009, 9(5): 109 ~ 112.


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