

性别:男 职称:教授/博士生导师 Email:hshen@scau.edu.cn 办公电话:18688468571 办公地址:资环楼八楼831室


1989.09–1993.07 河南农业大学土壤与植物营养专业,获农学学士学位
1993.07–1996.07 河南农业大学ok138cn太阳集团,获农学硕士学位
1996.09–1999.07 中国科学院南京土壤研究所,获农学博士学位


1999.07 – 2001.06 学校学院博士后研究
2001.06 – 2002.05 学校学院副教授
2002.06 – 2004.06 日本冈山大学资源生物所,JSPS特别研究员
2004.07 – 2006.05 学校学院副教授
2006.06 –2006.09 德国波恩大学DAAD访问学者
2006.10 – 2008.06 学校学院副教授
2008.06 – 2009.04 日本东京大学农学部JSPS高级访问学者
2010.06 – 2010.09德国波恩大学DAAD访问学者
2010.11 – 2010.12 日本冈山大学高级访问学者
2015.09 – 2015.10 德国波恩大学高级访问学者
2006.06 – 2008.08 广东省“千百十工程”校级培养对象(第四批培养对象)
2008.08 - 2012.07 广东省“千百十工程”省级培养对象(第五批培养对象)
2008.12– 至今 学校学院教授
2009.12–至今 学校博士生导师








1、海藻多糖增效纳米硒提高水稻籽粒硒含量的机理研究.广东省自然科学基金项目. 2021.01-2023.12
2、利用水稻根表铁膜定向诱导稻米硒富集的关键技术集成与应用.广东省教育厅项目. 2020.1-2022.12
3、酸雨对华南典型农田土壤生物多样性的作用效应与机理.NSFC-广东联合基金项目. 2018.01-2021.12
4、S-ABA与生物刺激素、NPKCaMgTE组合协同增效的试验研究. 企业委托项目. 2018.9-2020.8
5、广东甜玉米有机种植体系的标准化研究. 广东省农业标准化项目. 2018.01-2019.12
6、广东有机菜心种植的标准化技术研究. 广东省农业标准化项目. 2017.01-2018.12
7、海藻功能水溶肥料研制与产业化. 国家重点研发计划课题子项目. 2016.01-2020.12
8、干湿交替驱动水稻根表铁膜形成的生理与分子机制,国家自然科学基金项目. 2014.01-2017.12
10、生物酶法工业化制备壳寡糖及其水溶肥配方的研制. 广东肇庆高新区高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业项目. 2014.10-2016.10
11、利用根表铁膜增厚技术降低增城丝苗稻米镉累积的研究. 广州市科技计划项目. 2013.01-2015.12
12、根尖生长素运输蛋白PIN2增强植物铝耐性的生理与分子机制. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2012.01-2015.12
13、ALMT1大麦转基因根系有机酸分泌过程中能量消耗的定量研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金. 2011.01-2013.12
14、磷饥饿增强水稻根系氧化力诱导根表铁膜形成的生理与分子机制. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2011.01-2013.12
15、铝诱导植物有机酸分泌过程中的能量消耗的定量研究与能量代谢的调节机理. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2008.01-2010.12
16、质膜ATP酶调节铝诱导有机酸分泌的分子生理解析. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2005.01-2007.12
17、铝诱导有机酸分泌过程中的信号传递及调节机理. 留学回国基金项目. 2005.04-2007.12
18、低磷诱导大豆特定根分泌物的分离鉴定及相关基因的差显分析. 国家自然科学基金项目. 2002.01-2004.12
19、Quantification of energy consumption for Al-induced secretion of organic acids from Arabidopsis and soybean roots. 国际科学基金. 2008.09-2011.08.
20、Regulatory mechanism of the exclusion of organic acids from plant roots differing in aluminum resistance,国际科学基金. 2004.09-2007.08
21、Isolation, identification of specific root exudates in common bean in response to aluminum toxicity. 国际科学基金. 2000.09-2003.08


Yang Jin, Cui Dandan, Ma Shuo, Chen Wenkang, Chen Diwen, Shen Hong*. Characterization of a novel PL 17 family alginate lyase with exolytic and endolytic cleavage activity from marine bacterium Microbulbifersp.SH-1. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021. 169: 551-563
Ma Shuo, Chen Wenkang, Zhang Jiaen*, Shen Hong*. Influence of simulated acid rain on the physiological response of Flowering Chinese cabbage and variation of soil nutrients. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2020. 66(12): 42-51
Yang Xujian, Fu Youqiang, Ma Shuo, Gan Haihua, Xu Weifeng*, Shen Hong*. The class III peroxidase gene OsPrx24 is important for root iron plaque formation and phosphorus uptake in rice plants under alternate wetting and drying irrigation. Plant and Soil. 2020. 448:621-646
Yang Jin, Cui Dandan, Chen Diwen, Chen Wenkang, Ma Shu, Shen Hong*. Purification and characterization of a novel endolytic alginate lyase from microbulbifer sp. SH-1 and its agricultural application. Marine Drugs. 2020. 18(4): 184-186
Fu Youqiang. Yang Xujian, Shen Hong*. Root iron plaque alleviates cadmium toxicity to rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018. 161: 534-541
Yu Xiaoli, Wu Daoming, Fu Youqiang, Yang Xujian, Baluska Frantisek, Shen Hong*. OsGLO4 is involved in the formation of iron plaques on surface of rice roots grown under alternative wetting and drying condition. Plant and Soil. 2018. 423: 111-123
Yang Xujian, Shen Hong*. Drying-submergence alternation enhanced crystalline ratio and varied surface properties of iron plaque on rice (Oryza sativa) roots. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018. 25(4): 3571-3587
Fu Youqiang, Yang Xujian, Shen Hong*, Ye Zhihong. Identification, separation and component analysis of reddish brown and non-reddish brown iron plaque on rice (Oryza sativa) root surface. Plant and Soil. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s11104-016-2802-8. 2016. 402(1): 277-290.
Wu Daoming, Shen Hong*, Yokawa Ken and Baluska František. Overexpressing OsPIN2 enhances aluminium internalization by elevating vesicular trafficking in rice root apex. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erv385. 2015. 66(21): 6791-6801
Yi Jianhua, Dai Zeming, Li Yue, Jia Zhihong, Pu Wenxuan, Sun Zaijun, Wang Yaofu. Shen Hong*. Enhanced tolerance to low temperature in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) sprayed with a low temperature resistant agent. Experimental Agriculture. 2015. 51(2): 179-190.
Wu Daoming, Shen Hong*, Yokawa Ken, Baluška Frantisek. Alleviation of aluminium-induced cell rigidity by overexpression of OsPIN2 in rice roots. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2014. 65(18): 5305-5315. doi:10.1093/jxb/eru292
Yu Chongbing, Xie Yu-yun, Hou Jiajia, Fu Youqiang, Shen Hong*, Liao Xing*. Response of nitriate metabolism in seedlings of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) to low oxygen stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2014. 13: 2416-2423
Wu Daoming, Zhao Man, Fu Youqiang, Sasaki Takayuki, Yamamoto Yoko, Wei Wenhui, Shen Hong*. Al-induced secretion of organic acids, gene expression and root elongation in soybean roots. Acta Physiologia Plantarum. 2013. 35:223-232. 0
Yang Xujian, Lai Yonglin, MO Jinyu, Shen Hong*. A device for simulating soil nutrient extraction and plant uptake. Pedosphere. 2012. 22(6): 755-763. 0
Fu Youqiang, Shen Hong*, Wu Daoming, Cai Kunzheng. Silicon-mediated amelioration of Fe2+ toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots. Pedosphere. 2012. 22(6): 795-802. 0
Yi Jianhua, Jia Zhihong, LinQi, Lv Huizhen, Shen Hong*. Allelopathic effects of decaying tobacco leaves on tobacco seedlings. Allelopathy Journal. 29 (1): 51-62 (2012). (SCI IF=0.635)
Li Libin, Zheng Chen, Fu Youqiang, Wu Daoming, Yang XiuJian, Shen Hong*. Silicate-mediated alleviation of Pb toxicity in banana grown in Pb contaminated soil. Biological Trace Element Research. 2012. 145(1): 101-108
Pan Ning, Shen Hong*, Wu Daoming, Deng Lansheng, Tu Panfeng, Gan Haihua, Liang Yongcao. Mechanism of improved phosphate uptake efficiency in banana seedlings on acidic soils using fertigation. Agricultural Water Management. 2011. 98:632-638
Jia Zhihong, Yi Jianhua, Su Yirong, Shen Hong*. Autotoxic substances in the root exudates from continuous tobacco cropping. Allelopathy Journal. 2011. 27(1):87-96
Shen Hong*, Hou Ningyan, Schlicht Markus, Wan Yinglang, Mancuso Stefano, Baluska Frantisek. Aluminium toxicity targets PIN2 in Arabidopsis root apices: effects on PIN2 endocytosis, vesicular recycling, and polar auxin transport. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2008. 53: 2480-2487
Shen Hong, Chen Jianhong, Wang Zhanyi, Yang Cuiyi, Yan Xiaolong, Yomamoto Y, Matsumoto Hideaki. Root plasma membrane H+-ATPase is involved in the adaptation to phosphorus starvation in soybean seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2006. 57: 1353-1362
Shen Hong, He Longfei, Takayuki Sasaki, Yoko Yamamoto, Zheng Shaojian, Yan Xiaolong, Sung Ju Ahn, Mineo Yamaguchi, Sasakawa Hideo, Matsumoto Hideaki. Citrate secretion coupled with the modulation of soybean root tip under aluminum stress: up-regulation of transcription, translation and threonine-oriented phosphorylation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Plant Physiology. 2005. 138(1): 287-296
Ligaba Ayalew, Yamaguchi Mineo, Shen Hong, Yamamoto Yoko, Sasaki Takayuki, Matsumoto Hideaki. Phosphorus deficiency enhances plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity and citrate exudation in greater purple lupin (Lupinus pilosus). Functional Plant Biology. 2004. 31(11): 1075-1083
Ligaba Ayalew, Shen Hong, Shibata Koichi, Yamamoto Yoko, Tanakamaru Shishab and Matsumoto Hideaki. The role of phosphorus in aluminum-induced citrate and malate exudation from rape (Brassica napus L.). Physiologia Plantarum. 2004. 120(4): 575-584(SCI IF=3.07)33
Shen Hong, Ligaba Ayalew, Yamaguchi Mineo, Osawa Hiroki, Shibata Koichi, Yan Xiaolong, Matsumoto Hideaki. Effect of K-252a and abscisic acid on the efflux of citrate from soybean roots. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2004. 55(397): 663-671
刘国秀,沈宏*. 生物刺激素及其在农业中应用. 磷肥与复肥. 2020. 35:22-26
陈迪文,周文灵,敖俊华,沈宏. 海藻提取物对甜玉米产量、品质及氮素利用的影响. 作物杂志. 2020. 02: 134-139
杨锦,沈宏*. 海藻酸裂解酶高产菌株Microbulbifer sp. SH-1的分离、鉴定及其产酶条件优化. 微生物学报. 2020. 60(4): 679-694
陈迪文,敖俊华,周文灵,荆红利,赵尊康,沈宏. 海藻素对甘蔗不同栽培品种生长和产量影响的初探. 甘蔗糖业. 2019. 02: 27-31
杨锦,尹媛红,沈宏*. 海藻功能物质对菜心抗旱胁迫的影响. 磷肥与复肥. 2019. 34(03): 40-42
叶颖,耿银银,沈宏*. 海藻肥中海藻酸测定方法的比较. 磷肥与复肥. 2019. 34(12), 30-32
陈文康,卢波斯,耿银银,尹媛红,沈佳,陈兴强,沈坚列,沈宏*. 有机与常规栽培对广东菜心产量与品质的影响. 农业科学. 2018. 8(2):130-137
李光玉,丁汉卿,沈坚列,沈宏*. 水溶性壳聚糖的制备及其对菜心抗旱性的研究. 磷肥与复肥. 2018. 33(6):30-34
傅友强,于晓莉,杨旭健,沈宏*. 干湿交替诱导水稻根表铁膜形成的基因表达谱分析. 中国水稻科学. 2017. 31(2): 133-148
耿银银,尹缓红,沈宏. 海藻功能物质的提取工艺、理化性质以及在农业领域中的应用.生态学杂志. 2017. 36(10): 2951-2960
李庆忠,纪海石,耿银银,黄紫琳,黄本波,田荣华,沈宏*. 过磷酸钙增效技术与发展前景分析. 磷肥与复肥. 2016. 31(8): 24-27
丁汉郷,赖聪玲,沈宏*. 干湿交替和过氧化物对水稻根表铁膜及养分吸收的影响. 生态环境学报. 2015.24(12):1983-1988
祁帅,赖勇林,王军,王行,沈宏*. 壳聚糖对土壤栽培条件下烟草根系生长的影响. 生态学杂志. 2016. 35(3):696-708
于晓莉, 祁帅, 黄素媛, 沈宏*. 海藻接枝型肥料的保水控失及肥效. 生态学杂志. 2015. 34(7): 2071-2076
沈宏, 杨锦. 一株产海藻酸裂解酶的菌株SH-1及其应用.ZL201910406996.9
沈宏,陈文康. 一种改善食用品质减缓嫩茎木质化的菜心种植方法. ZL201810476926.6
沈宏,耿银银,沈坚列,陈兴强. 一种具有抗旱功能的海藻液体肥料及其制备方法与应用. ZL201711113810.8
沈宏,杨旭健. 植物根层氧化还原电位调控装置及培养装置和调控方法. ZL201710272031.6
沈宏, 祁帅.一种促进南雄紫色土烤烟根系生长的调理产品. ZL 2016 10572884.7
沈宏, 于晓莉. 一种海藻接枝型肥料及其制备方法. ZL201410644762.5
沈宏, 傅友强. 一种根表红棕色铁膜的快速诱导与鉴定方法. ZL201410320722.5
傅友强, 沈宏, 沈坚列.一种高悬浮度复合液体肥料的制备方法及应用. ZL201310512471.6
沈宏,吴道铭. 一种土壤栽培条件下作物根系铝毒害快速检测方法. ZL201310167271.1
申守营,沈宏,沈坚列. 糖醇钙镁锌硼复合液体肥及其制备和应用. ZL20131054 9661.5
李玥, 沈宏, 贾志红, 易建华, 蒲文宣, 孙在军, 汪耀富. 一种促进烤烟漂浮苗生长发育的方法.ZL201310207080.3.
沈宏, 申守营, 傅友强.诱导根系生长的包膜肥料及其制备方法与应用. ZL201310022462.9
沈宏,申守营,傅友强. 一种海藻氨基酸复合液体肥及其制备方法与应用. ZL201210556904.3
沈宏,傅友强,申守营. 一种活性磷肥及其制备方法与应用. ZL201210549914.4
沈宏, 傅友强, 申守营. 一种多酸水解动物蛋白制备氨基酸液体肥料的方法及应用. ZL201210432607.8
易建华,贾志红,沈宏,李玥,沈筠章. 一种烟草专用促根剂及其制备和应用.ZL 201210201717.3
沈宏, 赖勇林, 杨旭健. 一种土壤栽培条件下植物根系原位动态观测装置和系统及观测方法.ZL201210231267.2
沈宏, 杨旭健, 赖勇林. 一种植物根系养分吸收模拟装置及其使用方法.ZL201110025558.1
  沈宏, 王占义, 严小龙. 一种土培植物根系分泌物的收集方法及收集装置. ZL200610123460.9


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