

性别:女 职称:副教授/硕士生导师 Email:longxx@scau.edu.cn 办公电话:020-85280296 办公地址:资环楼716室


(1) 1999-07至2002-06,浙江大学环境与资源学院,博士,导师:杨肖娥
(2) 1999-07至1999-06,浙江大学环境与资源学院,硕士,导师:杨肖娥
(3) 1992-09至1996-06,华中师范大学,生命科学院,学士


(2)2014-02至2015-01,美国麻萨诸塞大学阿默斯特校区,访问学者, 本人于2014年2月11日到2015年1月11 日在美国university of massachunettes, Amherst(UMASS)做访问研究,合作导师Om Parkash Dhankher





蒋成爱、种云霄、卫泽斌、吴启堂、龙新宪、朱夕珍. 环境科学专业实践教学的特色建设(JXCG17042).学校2017年教学成果奖二等奖. 2017


(1) 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发项目,2017YFD0801000,农田重金属污染地球化学工程修复技术研发,2017-01至2020-12,1949万元(国家财政拨款1349万元,自筹经费600万元),在研,参加(子课题负责人)
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,41471264,根际环境对超累积植物东南景天内生细菌的多样性和定殖的影响,2015-01至2018-12,89万元,已结题,主持
(3) 广东省科学技术厅,广东省科技计划项目,2012A030700004,镉铅污染土壤的无机-有机-微生物复合体原位钝化修复技术,2013-01至2015-12,10万元,已结题,主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,40973055,金属抗性内生细菌强化植物修复重金属污染土壤的机理研究,2010-01至2012-12,37万元,已结题,主持
(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学-广东省联合基金项目,U0833004/L03,华南矿区及周边地区多金属污染土壤联合修复技术与机理研究,2009-01至2012-12,200万元,已结题,参加(子课题负责人)
(6) 广东省科学技术厅,广东省科技攻关项目,2007A020100002-6,重金属污染土壤的植物-微生物联合修复技术,2007-01至2009-12,3万元,已结题,主持
(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,20407008,东南景天超积累锌的根际环境特征研究,2005-01至2007-12,23万元,已结题,主持


1.Jia-cheng Xu,Qiang Ma, Chengyu Chen, QItang Wu, Xin-xian Long*. Cadmium adsorption behavior of porous and reduced graphene oxide and its potential for promoting cadmium migration during soil electrokinetic remediation. Chemosphere, 2020.
2.Jia-cheng Xu, Li-min Huang, Chengyu Chen, Jing Wang, Xin-xian Long*. Effective lead immobilization by phosphate rock solubilization mediated by phosphate rock amendment and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Chemosphere, 2019, 237:124540.
3.Qiang Ma, Jun Li, Charles C. C. Lee, Xinxian Long, Yongmao Liu & Qi-Tang Wu. Combining potassium chloride leaching with vertical electrokinetics to remediate cadmium-contaminated soils. Environ Geochem Health (2019) 41:2081–2091.
4.邹淑华,邓平香,龙新宪.镉对超积累和非超积累生态型东南景天内生细菌多样性的影响.微生物学报. 2019, 59(10): 1–17
5.Li-min Huang, Guang-wei Yu, Fu-zhen Zou, Xin-xian Long*. Bacterial community shift and decrease of metals bioavailability during in situ immobilization of a multi-metal contaminated acidic soil under field condition. Applied soil ecology,2018,130:104-119
6.Li-min Huang, Guang-wei Yu, Xuan Cai, Xin-xian Long*. Immobilization of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in a multi-metal contaminated acidic soil using inorganic amendment mixtures. International Journal of Environmental Research,2017 (2) :1-13
7.邹富桢,龙新宪*,余光伟,黄莉敏,赵仁欣. 混合改良剂钝化修复酸性多金属污染土壤的效应——基于重金属形态和植物有效性的评价。农业环境科学学报,2017,36(9): 1787-1795
8.Z He, X Long*, L Li, G Yu, Y Chong,W Xing, Z Zhu. Temperature response of sulfide/ferrous oxidation and microbial community in anoxic sediments treated with calcium nitrate addition. Journal of environmental management,2017,191:209-218
9.Yingfen Li, Xinxian Long, Yunxiao Chong*, Guangwei Yu, Zhujian Huang. Characterization of the cell−Fe mineral aggregate from nitrogen removal employing ferrous and its adsorption features to heavy metal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 156:538-548
10.邓平香, 郭荣荣,余光伟,种云霄,龙新宪*。超积累和非超积累生态型东南景天茎、叶内生细菌多样性分析。微生物学通报,2017, 44(3): 533−544
11.郭荣荣,陆丽婷,种云霄,余光伟,龙新宪*。促生内生菌假单胞菌Ⅱ8L4的 GFPuv 标记及其侵染东南景天的特征。环境工程学报, 2017, 11(3): 1927-1934.
12.李弘,种云霄,余光伟,龙新宪*. 典型富氧化铁土壤基质中铁异化还原的特性. 环境科学学报, 2017,37(3):1092-1097
13.邓平香, 张馨, 龙新宪*. 产酸内生菌Pseudomonas fluorescens R1 对东南景天修复锌镉污染土壤的影响. 环境工程学报,2016,10(9):225-234
14.Lin Wang, Xinxian Long, Yunxiao Chong, Guangwei Yu. Potential risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments during the denitrification process enhanced by calcium nitrate addition: Effect of AVS residual. Ecological Engineering , 2016, 87: 333–339
15.蔡轩,龙新宪,种云霄,吴启堂.无机-有机混合改良剂对酸性重金属复合污染土壤的修复效应. 环境科学学报,2015,35(12):3391-4002
16.Yu Guangwei, Tan Meijuan, Chong Yunxiao, Long Xinxian. Spatial Variation of Phosphorous Retention Capacity in Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands: Effect of Wetland Type and Inflow Loading. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(7): e0134010.
17.唐飞, 陈亚刚, 龙新宪*. 金属抗性促生菌对玉米的生长和累积锌的影响. 学校学报2015,36(2):25-30
18.郭荣荣,黄凡,易晓媚,龙新宪*. 混合无机改良剂对酸性多重金属污染土壤的改良效应. 农业环境科学学报,2015, 34(4):686-694
19.王霖,种云霄,余光伟,龙新宪. 黑臭底泥硝酸钙原位氧化的温度影响及微生物群落结构全过程分析.农业环境科学学报,2015,34(6):1187-1195.
20.谢小兰, 余光伟,种云霄, 龙新宪. 城市污染河流底泥中亚铁氧化硝酸盐还原菌分离及代谢特性研究,中国环境科学,2015,35(5):1554-1562.
21.Yan Sun, Qitang Wu, Charles C.C. Lee, Baoqin Li, Xinxian Long. Cadmium sorption characteristics of soil amendments and its relationship with the cadmium uptake by hyperaccumulator and normal plants in amended soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2014, (16)5: 496-508.
22.卫泽斌,吴启堂,龙新宪,陈诚,陈晓红. 可生物降解螯合剂 GLDA 和磷素活化剂促进东南景天提取土壤重金属的潜力,农业环境科学学报,2014, 33(7):1402-1404
23.Long Xinxian*,Chen Xuemei,Wong Jonathan Woon-Chung,Wei Zebin,Wu Qitang. The feasibility of enchanced phytoextraction of Zn contaminated soil with Zn mobilizing and plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(8): 2389-2396.
24.唐飞,陈亚刚 龙新宪*. 金属抗性促生菌对玉米的生长和累积镉的影响.农业环境科学学报,2013,32(10):1941-1949.
25.Long Xinxian*,Chen Xuemei,Chen Yagang,Wong Jonathan Woon-Chung, Wei Zebin, Wu Qitang. Isolation and characterization endophytic bacteria from Sedum alfredii Hance and their potential to promote phytoextraction of zinc polluted soil. World J Microbiol Biotechnol., 2011, 27: 1197–1207.
26.Z. B. Wei, X. F. Guo, Q. T. Wu, X. X. Long, C. J. Penn. Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soil by co-cropping with chelator application and assessment of associated leaching risk. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 13:717–729, 2011.
27.陈亚刚,陈雪梅,张玉刚,龙新宪*. 微生物抗重金属的生理机制.生物技术通报,2009, 10: 60-65
28.龙新宪*,刘洪彦,戴军,吴启堂. 两种生态型东南景天根际与非根际土壤微生物特征的差异性,土壤学报,2009,46(3):547-552
29.Long Xinxian*, Zhang Yugang, Dai Jun, Zhou Qixing. Zinc, cadmium and lead accumulation and characteristics of rhizosphere microbial population associated with hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance under natural conditions, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2009, 82(4):460-467 DOI 10.1007/S00128-009-9660-5. (SCI)
30.张玉刚,龙新宪*,陈雪酶.微生物处理重金属废水的研究进展, 环境科学与技术,2008,(6): 58-63
31.龙新宪*, 王艳红,刘洪彦. 不同生态型东南景天对土壤中镉的生长反应及吸收积累的差异性, 植物生态学报,2008,32:168-175
32.龙新宪,王艳红,刘洪彦, 吴启堂.两种生态型东南景天根系分泌物的差异性. 生态环境,2008,17(2):751-757
33.龙新宪, 王艳红,刘洪彦, 吴启堂.两种生态型东南景天(Sedum alfredii Hance)根系互作效应对植株生长及吸收利用土壤Zn的影响,农业环境保护学报, 2008,27:92-98
34.龙新宪*,刘洪彦,王艳红,吴启堂.不同Zn化合物对东南景天根圈土壤微生物特征的影响, 农业环境保护学报, 2007,26:2231-2238
35.王艳红, 龙新宪*,刘洪彦, 吴启堂.两种生态型东南景天套种对其生长和吸收土壤Zn的影响,学校学报, 2007,28:6-10
36.黑亮, 吴启堂, 龙新宪, 胡月明.东南景天和玉米套种对Zn 污染污泥的处理效应,环境科学,2007,28:852-858
37.X. X Long, W. Ni, Z. Ye, X. Yang. Zinc Tolerance and Hyperaccumulation of Sedum alfredii Hance: A Greenhouse Experiment with Artificial Polluted Soils, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2006, 76:264–270
39.Qi-tang WU, Jin-chuan DENG, Xin-xian LONG, Jean-louis MOREL and Christophe SCHWARTZ. Selection of appropriate organic additives for enhancing Zn and Cd phytoextraction by hyperaccumulators, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18( 6): 1113-1118
40.Xiaoe Yang, Haibo Ye, Xinxian Long, D.V. Calvert, and P.J. Stoffella, Uptake and accumulation of cadmium and zinc by Sedum alfredii Hnace at different Cd/Zn supply levels, J. Plant Nutrition, 2005 , 27 (11) :1963-1977
43.卫泽斌,吴启堂,龙新宪. 利用套种和混合添加剂修复重金属污染土壤,农业环境科学学报,2005,25(6): 1262-1262
45.Xiaoe Yang, Xinxian Long, Zhengqian Ye, Wuzhong Ni, Zhenli He, D.V. Calvert, and P.J. Stoffella, Cadmium Uptake and Accumulation in the Zinc-hyperaccumulating species Sedum alfredii Hance, Plant and Soil , 2004, 259:181-189
46.Lin CX, Long XX, Xu SJ, Chu CX, Mai SZ, Jiang D. Effects of multiple soil conditions on a mine site acid sulfate soil for vetiver growth, Pedosphere, 2004, 14(3) :371-378
47.Ni Wu-zhong, Yang Xia-oe, Long Xin-xian, Comparative studies on Zn tolerance and accumulation between two ecotypes of sedum alfredii Hance in southeastern China, J. Plant Nutrition., 2004, 27(4):627-635
48.NI W.Z, Ma HY, He JY,LONG X.X, Heavy metal concentration in vegetable garden soils from the suburb of Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol, 2004,72: 165-169
49.龙新宪,杨肖娥,叶正钱, 超积累植物的金属配位体及其在植物修复中的作用,植物生理学通讯,  2003,39:71-77
50.X.X. Long, X.E.Yang, W.Z. Ni, Z.Q. Ye, Z.L. He, D.V. Calvert, and J.P. Stoffella. Assessing Zinc Thresholds for Phytotoxicity and Potential Dietary Toxicity in Selected Vegetable Crops, Commum. Soil Sci. And Plant Analysis, 2003, 34:1421-1434
52.Chuxia Lin, Xinxian Long, Songjun Xu, Amendment of minesite acid sulfate soils and the use of vetiver grass for re-vegetation in Dabaoshan mine, Northern Guangdong , China, Proceedings The Third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition, October 6-9, 2003, Guangzhou, P. R. china ,p451-455
53.Ye Haibo, Yang Xiaoe, He Bing, Xinxian Long, Shi Weiyong, Growth response and metal accumulation of Sedum alfredii to Cd/Zn complex-polluted ion levels, Acta Botanica.Sinica., 2003, 45(9):1030-1036
54.熊愈辉,杨肖娥,叶正钱,龙新宪. 两种生态型东南景天锌吸收与分布特性的研究,浙江大学学报(生命科学版), 2003, 29(60):614-620
55.叶海波,杨肖娥,何冰,龙新宪,石伟勇,陈建. 东南景天对锌镉复合污染的反应及其对锌镉吸收和积累特性的研究,农业环境科学学报,2003, 22(5):513-518
57.龙新宪,倪吾钟,杨肖娥,菜园土壤锌吸附与解吸特性研究,土壤通报, 2002,33:51-53
58.L Xin-xian, Y Xiao-e, Y Zheng-qian, N Wu-zhong, S Wei-yong, Study of the Differences of Uptake and Accumulation of Zinc in Four Species of Sedum linn, Acta Bot.Sin.,  2002, 44(2):152-157
59.NI W.Z,LONG X.X, YANG X.E Studies on the criteria of Cd pollution in growth media of vegetable crops based on the hygienic limit of Cd in food, J. Plant Nutrition., 2002, 25(5): 957-968
60.NI Wu.zhong, YANG Xiao-e, LONG Xin-.xian, Different of Cadmium absorption and accumulation in selected vegetable crops. Journal of Environment Sciences, 2002, 14: 399-405
61.龙新宪,杨肖娥,倪吾钟,重金属污染土壤修复技术研究的现状与展望,应用生态学报,2002, 13(6):757-762
62.龙新宪,倪吾钟,叶正钱,杨肖娥,外源有机酸对两种生态型东南景天吸收和积累锌的影响,植物营养与肥料学报,2002, 4:467-470
63.杨肖娥,龙新宪,倪吾钟, 傅承新,东南景天(Sedum alfredii H)——一种新的锌超积累植物,科学通报, 2002, 47:1003-1006
64.Xiaoe Yang, Xingxian Long, Wuzhong Ni, Zhenqian Ye , Zhenli He, Peter J. Stoffella, and David V. Calvert, Assessing Copper Thresholds for Phytotoxicity and Potential Dietary Toxicity in Selected Vegetable Crops, Journal Environmental Science & Health, 2002, B37: 625-635
65.He Bing, Yang Xia-oe, Ni Wu-zhong, Long Xin-xian, Ye Zhengqian, Sedum alfredii: A new lead-accumulating ecotype, Acta Bot.Sin., 2002, 44(11):1365-1370
66.X.X. Long, X.E. Yang, W.Z. Ni, Y.Z. Wei, Z.L. He, P. J. Stoffella, and D.V. Calvert. Assessing soil thresholds for potential dietary copper toxicity in selected vegetable crops. International conference on environmental concems and emerging abatement technologies, Biejing, China, 2001, October 9-12, P-E-29
67.X.E. Yang, X.X. Long, W.Z. Ni . Sedum alfredii H—A New Zinc hyperaccumulating plant ecotype found in China, International conference on environmental concems and emerging abatement technologies, Biejing, China, 2001, October 9-12,P-R-8.
69.马海燕,倪吾钟,龙新宪,何积秀. 杭州市郊菜园土壤锌、铜、铅污染状况的调查,环境与健康杂志,2000, 17(3):165-167
70.倪吾钟,龙新宪,杨肖娥. 菜园土壤锌营养状况及其与土壤有机碳的关系,浙江大学学报(生命科学版),2000, 26(6):640-642
71.Yang X.E, Long X.X, Ni W.Z, Yu Y.Q, Zhang L.C, Cheng H, Xu Y.G.  Survey and assessment of organic and inorganic pollution in surface water system in a vegetable production area, International conference of soil remediation, 2000, October 15-19, Hangzhou, China, p55-56.
72.倪吾钟,龙新宪,杨肖娥. 菜园土壤镉吸附与解吸特性研究,广东微量元素科学,2000, 7(10):11-15
73.龙新宪,杨肖娥. 植物镍营养,土壤通报,2000, 31(1):39-42
  74.龙新宪,倪吾钟,杨肖娥. 菜园土壤铜吸附与解吸特性研究,农村生态环境,2000, 16(3):39-41

(1) 龙新宪; 黄莉敏; 游敏萍; 一种促进磷矿粉溶解的菠萝泛菌及其应用, 申请日2017-5-26, 授权:2020年3月27,中国, CN201710383430.X. (专利)
  (2) 陆丽婷; 龙新宪; 时健; 杜杰汛; 陈嘉伟; 盘宗彦; 一种东南景天组培苗的移栽营养基质及栽培管理方法, 申请日,2018-4-9, 授权:2020年12月04日,中国, CN201810311160.6. (专利)


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