2011.09 - 2015.06 香港科技大学/环境工程,博士学位,导师:Prof. Irene M.C. Lo,Email: irene.lo@ust.hk
2008.09 - 2011.04 哈尔滨工程大学/防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业,硕士学位, 导师:刘慧教授,Email: liuhuizishi@ hrbeu.edu.cn
2004.09 - 2008.07 哈尔滨工程大学/给水排水工程专业,学士学位,指导教师:孙勇高级工程师,Email: sunyong@hrbeu.edu.cn
2016.08 - 至 今 学校/ok138cn太阳集团, 副教授、硕士研究生导师
现为Bioresource Technology, Science of the Total Environment, 和Separation and Purification Technology等多个SCI期刊审稿人;2018年至今还担任广州市新生活环保促进会(市级NGO环保公益社团)技术顾问。
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“沉积物不同还原性条件下石油烃降解及重金属转化” (51608531),2017-2019,20万,主持
(2) ok138cn太阳集团院长基金项目“四种典型厌氧条件下石油烃的降解行为” (ZHXY2017A03),2017-2018,2万,主持
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“原位功能化沼渣碳黑与灰分磷协同强化猪场沼液养分回收效能及机制”(4207071086),2021-2024,65万,主持
(1) 国家重点研发计划项目“低累积作物品种筛选与超富集植物间套作修复技术研发(项目编号:2017YFD0800900;主持人:中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 廖晓勇)”,课题三:重金属低累积水稻品种和超/高富集植物间套作技术研发(课题编号:2017YFD0800903;主持人:学校 黎华寿),任务:参与华南稻区水稻砷、镉低累积品种与超(高)富集植物间套作体系修复技术研究(负责人:学校 张振),2017,28万。
(2) 国家重点研发计划项目“农田氮磷径流流失污染与防控机制(项目编号:2017YFD0800100;主持人:中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 李勇)”,课题二:典型径流易发区农田系统氮磷迁移转化过程与流失主控因子研究(课题编号:2017YFD0800102;主持人:华中农业大学 胡荣桂), 任务:土壤微生物区系对氮磷转化过程及氮磷流失相关主控因子研究(负责人:学校 张振),2017,50万。课题三:典型径流易发区水、肥、轮作优化管理的农田氮磷流失削减原理研究(课题编号:2017YFD0800102;主持人:农业部环境保护科研监测所 漆新华), 任务:旱坡地农田氮磷径流流失特征及削减机理研究(子课题代主持张振)2017.7.1-2020.12.31, 67万。
(3)广州市科技计划项目“硫酸盐还原-反硝化”生物缓释技术的研发及在河道黑臭/有机负荷污染中的应用(项目编号:202002030313;主持人:学校 张振),2020,20万
(1)Zhen Zhang, Kun Zhang , He Ouyang , Marcus K.K. Li , Zifeng Luo , Yongtao Li , Chengyu Chen , Xingjian Yang , Zhiwei Shao , Dickson Y.S. Yan,* (2021) Simultaneous PAHs degradation, odour mitigation and energy harvesting by sediment microbial fuel cell coupled with nitrate-induced biostimulation.Journal of Environmental Management.284:112045(第一作者,JCR Q1,影响因子6.789)
(2)Kun Zhang , Zhen Zhang , Zheng Hu , Feifan Zeng , Chengyu Chen , Xingjian Yang , Yongtao Li*(2020) Bacterial community composition and function succession under aerobic and anaerobic conditions impacts the biodegradation of 17b-estradiol and its environmental risk.Environmental Pollution. 267:115155 (共同一作,JCR Q1,影响因子8.071)
(3)Zhang, Z., Jing, R., He, S.R., Qian, J.*, Zhang, K., Ma, G.L., Chang, X., Zhang, M.K., Li, Y.T.* (2018) Coagulation of low temperature and low turbidity water: Adjusting basicity of polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and using chitosan as coagulant aid, Separation and Purification Technology. 206:131-139.(第一作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:3.359)
(4)Zhang, Z., He, S.R., Zhang, Y.L., Zhang, K., Wang, J.J., Jing, R., Yang, X.J., Hu, Z., Lin, X.J., Li, Y.T.* (2019) Spectroscopic investigation of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ adsorption onto chitosan-coated argillaceous limestone: Competition and mechanisms. Environmental Pollution. 254. 112938.(第一作者,JCR Q1 ,影响因子:5.714)
(5)He, S.R., Li Y.T., Weng, L.P., Wang J.J., He, J.X., Liu, Y.L., Zhang, K., Wu, Q.H., Zhang, Y.L. Zhang, Z.* (2018) Competitive adsorption of Cd2+, Pb2+ and Ni2+ onto Fe3+-modified argillaceous limestone: Influence of pH, ionic strength and natural organic matters, Science of the Total Environment. 637-638:69-78.(通讯作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:5.589)
(6)Zhang, K., Hu, Z., Zeng, F.F., Yang, X.J., Wang, J.J., Jing, R., Zhang, H.N., Li, Y.T.*, Zhang, Z.*(2019) Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons and changes in microbial community structure in sediment under nitrate-, ferric-, sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions. Journal of Environmental Management. 249:109425.(通讯作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:4.865)
(7)Jing, R., Yuan, C., Rezaei, H., Qian, J., Zhang Z.* (2019) Assessments on emergy and greenhouse gas emissions of internal combustion engine automobiles and electric automobiles in the USA. Journal of environmental sciences. In press. (通讯作者,JCR Q2,影响因子:3.556)
(8)Jing R., Muhammed W.Y., Qian J., Zhang Z.* (2019) Assessments of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from stainless steel production in China using two evaluation approaches. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 38: 47-55.(通讯作者,JCR Q3,影响因子:1.596)
(9)Xu, R.W. Zhang, Z.1, Wang, L.P. *, Yin, N.N., Zhan, X.H. (2018) Surfactant-enhanced biodegradation of crude oil by mixed bacterial consortium in contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25:14437-14446.(共同一作,JCR Q2,影响因子:2.914)
(10)Liu, T. Z., Zhang, Z.*, Dong, W. Y., Wu, X. J., Wang, H. J.*, (2017) Bioremediation of PAHs contaminated river sediment by an integrated approach with sequential injection of co-substrate and electron acceptor) : Lab-scale study. Environmental Pollution. 230: 417-421.(共同通讯,JCR Q1,影响因子:4.358)
(11)Zhang, Y.L., He, S.R., Zhang, Z., Xu, H.J., Wang, J.J., Chen, H.Y., Liu, Y.L., Wang, X.L., Li Y.T., (2019) Glycine transformation induces repartition of cadmium and lead in soil constituents. Environmental Pollution. 251:930-937.(第三作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:5.714)
(12)Yang, X.J., Lin, H., Dai, X., Zhang, Z., Gong, B.N., Hu, Z., Jiang. X.P., Li, Y.T.*, (2019) Sorption, transport, and transformation of natural and synthetic progestins in soil-water systems, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 384:121482(第四作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:7.650)
(13)Issaka, F., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z.Q., Asenso, E., Li, J.H., Li Y.T.*, Wang, J.J.*, Sustainable conservation tillage improves soil nutrients and reduces nitrogen and phosphorous losses in maize farmland in Southern China. Sustainability. 11:2397.(第三作者,JCR Q2,影响因子:2.592)
(14)Chen, H.Y., Li, W.Y., Wang, J.J., Xu, H.J., Liu, Y.L., Zhang, Z., Li Y.T.*, Zhang, Y.L.*, (2019) Adsorption of cadmium and lead ions by phosphoric acid-modified biochar generated from chicken feather: Selective adsorption and influence of dissolved organic matter. Bioresource Technology. 292:121948.(第六作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:6.669)
(15)Qian, J., Zhang, M.K., Pei, XJ., Zhang, Z., Niu, J.T., Liu, Y., (2018) A novel integrated thiosulfate-driven denitritation (TDD) and anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) process for biological nitrogen removal. Biochemical Engineering. 139:68-73.(第四作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:3.371)
(16)Liu, T.Z., Wang, H., Zhang, Z., Zhao, D., (2017) Application of synthetic iron-oxide coated zeolite for the pollution control of river sediments. Chemosphere. 180:160-168.(第三作者,JCR Q1,影响因子:4.427)
(17)Wang, L.P.*, Zhang, Z.1, Xu, R.W., Yin, N.N., Zhan X.H. (2017). Surfactants-enhanced biodegradation of crude oil by mixed bacterial consortium in contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Under Review(SCI,共同一作,三区,影响因子:2.828)
(18)Yin, N.N., Zhang, Z.1, Wang, L.P. *, Qian, K.M. (2016). Variations in organic carbon, aggregation and enzyme activities of gangue-fly ash-reconstructed soils with sludge and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi during 6-year reclamation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 10.1007/s11356-016-6941-5.(SCI,共同一作,三区,影响因子:2.828)
(19)Qian, J., Zhou, J.M., Zhang, Z. *, Liu, R.L., Wang, Q.L.* (2016). Biological nitrogen removal through nitritation coupled with thiosulfate-driven denitritation. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep27502.(SCI,通讯作者,二区,影响因子:5.578)
(20)Lo, I. M. C. *, Wu, B.L., Yan, D. Y. S., Khan M., Zhang, Z. (2016). Application of magnetic hydrogel for anionic pollutants removal from wastewater with adsorbent regeneration and reuse. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000325. (SCI)
(21)Zhang, Z., Lo, I. M. C. *, Yan, D. Y. S. (2015). An integrated bioremediation process for petroleum hydrocarbons removal and odor mitigation from contaminated marine sediment. Water Research. 83: 21-30.(SCI,第一作者,一区,影响因子:5.528)
(22)Zhang, Z., Lo, I. M. C. * (2015). Biostimulation of petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated marine sediment with co-substrate: Involved metabolic process and microbial community. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 99 (13): 5683-5696.(SCI,第一作者,二区,影响因子:3.337)
(23)Zhang, Z., Zheng, G. Y., Lo, I. M. C. * (2015). Enhancement of nitrate-induced bioremediation in marine sediments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons by using microemulsions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22 (11): 8296-8306.(SCI,第一作者,三区,影响因子:2.828)
(24)Zhang, Z., Lo, I. M. C. *, Zheng, G. Y., Woon, K. S., Rao, P. H. * (2015). Effect of autotrophic denitrification on nitrate migration in sulfide-rich marine sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 15 (4): 1019-1028.(SCI,第一作者,三区,影响因子:2.139)
(25)Liu, T. Z., Zhang, Z., Mao, Y. Q., Yan, D. Y. S. * (2015). Induced metal redistribution and bioavailability enhancement in contaminated river sediment during in-situ bio-chemical remediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23(7): 6353-6362.(SCI,三区,影响因子:2.828)
(26)Guan, D., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Liu, H. * (2011). Effect of pH and temperature on coagulation efficiency in a North-China Water Treatment Plant. Advanced Materials Research. 27(243-249): 4835-4838. (EI)
(27)刘慧*,程浩,张振,王琦,李星.单立管建筑排水系统水力工况的数值模拟研究.哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版). 2011, 27 (01): 107-112. (EI)
(28)刘慧*,李星,张振,王琦.高锰酸钾与壳聚糖联用处理低温低浊水的研究.中国矿业大学学报. 2012, 41(02): 310. (EI)
(1)国家发明专利,“一种含Fe0高分子生物膜填料及其制备方法与应用”,张振,李永涛,张玉龙,陆琴,任宗玲,陈华毅,张坤,宋桐慧,覃小泉,专利号ZL201610985358.3 (第一发明人)